Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Celebrate Good Times, Come on!

OK, the title might be a tad dated, but I'm in a partying state of mind

I've reached two goals on my rewrite....

1) I've got my revision cleaned up to the point where my character falls though the "first doorway" and into the "story world".

2) I did so by 15000 words--less than 15% of the way into the book.

This one is big for me. I hate nothing more than plowing through a novel that takes 25000 words (or more) just to get off the ground. Yet, I am the world's worst for taking five lines to say "it was snowing". Just goes to show that weeding even your most precious prose can make a story that once dragged lighten up and lift off.

I'm proud of me. Let's set off some fireworks, pop a bottle of champagne and toast to the old, faithful delete key.

1 comment:

Colleen Gleason said...

Thanks for getting that song, along with images of wedding receptions, stuck in my mind, LOL!

Thanks too for your compliments on my book trailer, over at Jaci's site. I appreciate it!